Court Appearance

Court appearance is required on the following citations:

  • Reckless Driving
  • Overweight Truck
  • Driving With Revoked License
  • No Driver’s License
  • Switched Tag
  • Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugs
  • Following Emergency Vehicle
  • Improper Equipment
  • Driving w/ Suspended License
  • Driving w/ Cancelled License
  • Any citations not listed please call the court for information.

Ticket Fees

Infraction Fine Court Cost Total Due
Allowing child under the age of 16 operate motor vehicle $50.00 $139.50 $189.50
Bicycle – no lamps or reflectors $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Blocking Hwy $30.00 $139.50 $169.50
Child restraint $25.00 $139.50 $164.50
Crossing a fire hose $50.00 $139.50 $189.50
Driver license expired $20.00 $189.50 $209.50
Driver’s license restriction or endorsement $10.00 $189.50 $199.50
Driving on wrong side of road $30.00 $139.50 $169.50
Driving under minimum speed $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Fail to dim headlings $10.00 $139.50 $149.50
Fail to move over – emergency vehicle $100.00 $139.50 $239.50
Fail to signal $10.00 $139.50 $149.50
Fail to stop at railroad crossing $10.00 $139.50 $149.50
Fail to yield right of way $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Failure to yield emergency vehicle $50.00 $139.50 $189.50
Follow emergency vehicle $50.00 $139.50 $189.50
Following too closely $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper backing $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper brakes $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper lane change/usage $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper light $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper muffler $10.00 $139.50 $149.50
Improper or no view mirror $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper passing $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper signal $10.00 $139.50 $149.50
Improper tires $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper turn $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Improper window tint $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Insurance violation $50.00 $139.50 $189.50
Littering hwy $100.00 $139.50 $239.50
Running red light $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Running stop sign $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Seat belt violation $25.00 $16.50 $41.50
Speed-exceeding reasonable/prudent $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Speeding under 25 MPH $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Speeding over 25 MPH $40.00 $139.50 $179.50
Speeding under 25 MPH construction $40.00 $139.50 $179.50
Speeding over 25 MPH construction $80.00 $139.50 $219.50
Stopping on highway $30.00 $139.50 $169.50
Tag – expired $20.00 $139.50 $159.50
Tag – improper $25.00 $139.50 $164.50
Tag – not plainly visible $50.00 $139.50 $189.50

Contact Information

Jay Ross
Court Administration
(251) 675-8148